Ten Reasons to Learn

Ten excellent reasons you should consider the 360° Mining Course and lifelong learning.

Mining Successful Professionals

Lifelong Learning

It is generally recognized that continuing education and professional development are lifelong activities. They improve your opportunities in the mining industry and they improve the industry as a whole.

Those in mining should consider spending a minimum of $1,000 on professional development per year. Many larger employers in mining spend more than 5x that on their key staff.

Although you may not be educating yourself, there is a good chance your colleagues are, and that may open career opportunities for them rather than you. You don’t want to be left behind.

To make more money in mining

Find out what your job is worth with this salary calculator ...

To have a lifetime of increased opportunities

To be more empowered as an agent in your own life

To be better able to weather adversity

To always be marketable in mining

To lead a more examined life

You can be an agent of change for others

To have more access to resources

To have future opportunities in ways you may not be considering now

To have a strong sense of pride and self